The National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria is a medical institution established to produce specialists in all branches of Medicine and Dentistry. Her sustainability lies in its capability to manage her process and data more efficiently and effectively. This is critical to sustaining and improving on the standards of which the College has been running.
The College has therefore decided to computerize all her activities in order to evolve with information technology and realize significant benefits in her operations.
To achieve the above, a robust system that encompasses all the College’s process and procedures has to be developed. This system will be accessed both offline and online and will integrate with all other College existing software.
Interested Software Vendors willing to participate in the exercise are requested to submit their quotations based on the criteria set by the College.
All Bidders are to liaise with the Deputy Registrar, (Academic) for the criteria before preparing and submitting their bids.
Tenderers are to submit their financial bids in the Tender Box in the College Registrar’s office not later than Tuesday 16th May, 2017.
The bid envelope should be marked “Computerization of College Activities”. Only bids submitted into the Tender Box as stated above shall be entertained. Tenderers are expected to have both Tax/Payer Identification Number.
Bidders are to note that the total contract sum will attract statutory taxes.
A. Are,mnim
Secretary, Procurement Planning Committee
For: College Registrar
9th May, 2017