The Governing Board of the College at its December 2021 statutory meeting elected new Principal Officers to run the affairs of the College from January 1 2022 to December 31, 2023.
Dr. Akin Osibogun, FMCPH the immediate past College Vice-President was elected as the College President, Dr. Peter Ebeigbe, FMCOG, the Chairman of Faculty of Obstetrics and Gynaecology emerged as College Vice-President while Dr. Akinola Ladipo Ladeinde, FMCDS was reelected College Treasurer for another term.
College President
Dr. Akinsanya Olayide Osibogun, MBBS(Lagos), MPH (Columbia), FMCPH, FWACP, FRSPH (UK), FAMedS is a Professor, Consultant Public Health Physician/Epidemiologistis and the immediate College past College Vice President. Dr. Osibogun has served the College as Associate Editor NPMJ, Faculty Secretary (Public Health), Third Senate Member, Member Docimology Committee, Chairman NPMCN 2nd National Scientific Conference 2006, Faculty Chair of Public Health and member of NPMCN Governing Board on various dates. Read more
College Vice-President
Professor Peter Ndidi Ebeigbe, MBBS (Benin), DMAS (India), MPH (Liverpool), MD, FWACS, FMCOG (Nig), FICS served in the Faculty Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology between 2010 and 2021 during which time he was elected as Faculty Secretary for two terms and Faculty Chairman for two terms, unopposed. He has served the College on numerous committees including the Computerization Committee, Docimology Committee, MD Degree Implementation Committee, Ceremonies Committee and Bye Laws Committee. He was the pioneer Chairman of the International Collaboration and Accreditation Committee of the College between 2020-2021. Read more
College Treasurer
Dr. Akinola Ladipo Ladeinde, BDS (Lagos), FMCDS, FWACS, FICS, FIAOMS, MNIM is a Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba. Dr. Ladeinde has served the College in various capacities as Convocation Mace Bearer, Chairman of Dental Surgery Board, member, Ceremonies Committee of Senate, Learning Resources Committee and various ad-hoc committees of the College. Read more