The Senate of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) recently approved the criteria for the admission of colleagues in the diaspora to its Fellowship programme. Consequently, we invite applications from interested colleagues.
Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must have held a specialist or subspecialist qualification for at least 10 years.
Assessment Process: Interested colleagues will be assessed or screened flexibly based on their job descriptions and areas of expertise, which they will provide when filling out the application form.
Evaluation Criteria: Each specialist will be evaluated according to their career definition, including:
- Specialists in academic/university settings
- Clinicians involved in providing cutting-edge clinical services and residency training
- Medical educationists
- Medical researchers
Points will be allocated for:
- Subspecialization and its duration
- Leadership experience, such as headship of a department or clinical head to directorship of programs, and holding a tenured professorship position
- National and international recognition or awards obtained in the past
For those involved in clinical services, points will be awarded based on:
- Patient load
- Competencies in modern diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in their specialty
For those in surgical disciplines, expertise in minimally invasive surgical procedures, including robotic surgery, will attract points.
For colleagues involved in research, the number of current or previous grants won will be scored. Additionally, the i10-index and total citation count will attract points.
Application Procedure:
- Pay a nonrefundable fee of $100.00 or its equivalent.
- Complete the application form.
- Submit a detailed curriculum vitae.
- Applications will be screened as approved by the Senate.
- Successful applicants will be duly notified.
Closing Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024
Best wishes,
Professor Fatiu Abiola Arogundade MD, FMCP
College Registrar
National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria