The Governing Board of the College at its December 2023 statutory meeting elected new Principal Officers to run the affairs of the College from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025.
Dr. Peter Ebeigbe, FMCOG the immediate past College Vice-President was elected as the College President, Dr. Anthony Ikefuna, FMCPaed, the Immediate Past Chairman of Faculty of Paediatrics emerged as College Vice-President while Dr. Innocent Ikem, FMCOrtho the Chairman of Faculty of Orthopaedics was elected as College Treasurer.
College President
Dr. Peter Ndidi Ebeigbe, MBBS (Benin), DMAS (India), MPH (Liverpool), MD, FWACS, FMCOG (Nig), FICS is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the immediate past College Vice President. He has served the College in the Faculty Board of Obstetrics and Gynaecology between 2010 and 2021 during which time he was elected as Faculty Secretary for two terms and Faculty Chairman for two terms. He has served the College on numerous committees including the Computerization Committee, Docimology Committee, MD Degree Implementation Committee, Ceremonies Committee and Bye Laws Committee. Read more
College Vice-President
Dr. Anthony Nnaemeka Ikefuna, MBBS(Ibadan); MD; FMCPaed; FRCP Edin; FAMedS; FNAMed, is a professor of Paediatrics. He served the Faculty of Paediatrics as Faculty Secretary, Third Senate Member and Chairman/Chief Examiner respectively. He is the Coordinator of the NPMCN Computer Based Test (CBT), Enugu examination Centre. In addition, he was the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Quality Assurance and the Disciplinary Committees. Read more
College Treasurer
Dr Innocent Chiedu IKEM, BM, BCh. Jos, MD, FMCOrtho. Nig is a Professor of
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology with special interest in arthroplasty and complex trauma. He has served as Faculty Secretary and Chairman, Faculty of Orthopaedics, He has been board member for Faculties of Surgery, Orthopaedics and Emergency Medicine of the College. He has served in many standing committees of senate including the Ceremonies Committee. Read more